Needs and Values Program

Needs and Values Program

Instructions | Needs Evaluation | Values Evaluation



Needs are what drives us and cause us our upsets. Often, needs are the things that must be met before you can really "get on" with life. When you have unmet needs, you are usually "hooked" by people or events. These people or evens are what cause us our upsets. To uncover your top 5 needs please completely rate the following statements. Remember, needs are what you must have, not what you want, prefer or deserve.

On a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 being 'most important' and 5 being 'least important,' how would you rate the following:

NOTE: Please provide an answer to all 5 statements in each section. Your total score should end up between 5-25 points for each section.

1 2 3 4 5 SECTION 1  
1. I need to be accurate or right in most situations. Be Right
2. I need to be accurate or right my area of expertise.
3. I need to be accurate or right all of the time.
4. If I am mistaken about something, I take it personally.
5. If I make a mistake, I take it personally and hard.
1 2 3 4 5 SECTION 2  
1. I need to accomplish great things during my lifetime. Accomplishment
2. I need to accomplish something during my lifetime.
3. I need to always be engaged with accomplishing something.
4. I have a hard time just relaxing or doing nothing special for several weeks.
5. I have a hard time if I don't feel like I have accomplished something.
1 2 3 4 5 SECTION 3   
1. I need to be acknowledged by most everyone that I work with. Acknowledgements/
2. I need to be acknowledged or complimented when I look good.
3. I need to be acknowledged by one or a few of my closest friends.
4. I have a hard time if people don't sandwich a layer of criticism between two layers of praise.
5. I have a hard time if I don't get acknowledged / complimented regularly.
1 2 3 4 5 SECTION 4   
1. I need to be loved by many people. Be Loved
2. I need to be loved by a close circle of friends.
3. I need to be loved by one particular person.
4. I have a hard time if I don't feel someone really loves me.
5. I have a hard time if I don't feel loved enough.
1 2 3 4 5 SECTION 5   
1. I need acceptance from most everyone Acceptance
2. I need acceptance from my family.
3. I need acceptance from a particular person.
4. I have a VERY hard time if I am not included in a coversation or event.
5. I have a VERY hard time if I don't perceive that I am being accepted.
1 2 3 4 5 SECTION 6   
1. I need to be cared for by many people. Cared For
2. I need to be cared for by a select group of people.
3. I need to be cared for by one particular person.
4. When I don't feel cared for, I get resentful and even bitter.
5. If I don't feel cared for, I have a hard time.
1 2 3 4 5 SECTION 7   
1. I need what people say to be perfectly clear. Certainty/ Clarity/ Accuracy
2. I need to be certain about what I am working on, or reading, or hearing.
3. I need schedules, timetables, and events stated with clear due dates.
4. I have a VERY hard time if I am not clear about something important to me.
5. I have a VERY hard time if I am not certain about what is going on.
1 2 3 4 5 SECTION 8  
1. I need a very comfortable bed in which to sleep. Comfort
2. I need a job with little risk.
3. I need "all the comforts of home" when I travel.
4. If I know I may be uncomfortable in an otherwise interesting situation/place, I'll probably not go.
5. When I am not comfortable, I am grumpy or "put out".
1 2 3 4 5 SECTION 9   
1. I need to say what's on my mind, even if it's not always appropriate. Communication (Pull)
2. I need others to say exactly what's on their mind, even if I won't like it.
3. I need only the key people in my life to communicate fully with me.
4. When I hold back and not tell someone what must be said, I start winding down and lose energy.
5. When others don't truly communicate with me, I get UPSET, or frustrated.
1 2 3 4 5 SECTION 10   
1. I need the option to stop things if they don't go the way I want/need them to. Control/ Dominate
2. I need to keep the upper hand in most situations.
3. I need to tell people what to do.
4. If others start telling me what to do, I react strongly.
5. If we can't do it my way, I'll likely leave or find people who will.
1 2 3 4 5 SECTION 11   
1. I need to be the primary one who makes something happen. Critical Link/ Be Needed
2. I enjoy being the "critical link" in bringing two people together.
3. I need to be the person who is known as someone who has the magic of getting projects completed on time.
4. If I don't feel needed, I am 'put out'.
5. If something good happens, I could have been a part of it yet wasn't a part of it, I feel left out.
1 2 3 4 5 SECTION 12   
1. I need to do exactly what my duty is to my family and friends. Duty/ Obligation
2. I need to do my duty to my job, clients or employer.
3. I need to do my duty to my country and/or church.
4. If I can't do my duty, as I see it, I feel "held back" or suppressed.
5. If my duty is not clear, I am uncomfortable.
1 2 3 4 5 SECTION 13   
1. I need to feel physically unrestrained and free. Freedom
2. I need for my time to be my own.
3. I need for my thoughts, actions and choices to be my own.
4. If I feel obligated or expected to do something (even if I don't mind it), I feel somewhat trapped and restricted.
5. If I don't have the sense that I am free from people, circumstances or concerns, I am definitely UNHAPPY.
1 2 3 4 5 SECTION 14   
1. I need everyone around me to tell the truth and not mislead or try to cheat. Honesty/ Integrity
2. I need my close friends to be honest with me and not "hold back."
3. I need to tell the truth all the time.
4. When someone lies to me and I find out, I get VERY upset.
5. When I have compromised my own integrity, I get VERY upset.
1 2 3 4 5 SECTION 15   
1. I need things around me to be in their proper place or order. Order/ Perfection
2. I need/want to make my bed each day.
3. I need/want a specific plan of action so I know what I am doing.
4. When my things are out of place or messy, I don't like it at all.
5. When things are said or done illogically, I don't like it.
1 2 3 4 5 SECTION 16   
1. I need quiet in my workspace. Peace/ Quietness
2. I need quiet at home.
3. I need to protect my sense of equilibrium and inner peace.
4. When I am around commotion and noise for more than an hour or two, I am irritated.
5. When I lose my sense of self, I have to go to a quiet place to recover it.
1 2 3 4 5 SECTION 17   
1. I need the ability and opportunity to get what I want in life, no matter what. Power
2. I need all the power I can get.
3. I need the opportunity to change the course of things.
4. When I feel powerless, it's extremely frustrating.
5. When I have no one around me to manage or impact, I feel like a fish out of water.
1 2 3 4 5 SECTION 18   
1. I need to be recognized for what I've done. Recognition
2. I need to be noticed for how I look or act.
3. I need to be known for something special.
4. When people don't know that I did something great, I am strongly tempted to make sure they find out, one way or another.
5. Accomplishment without recognition, is not fully rewarding.
1 2 3 4 5 SECTION 19   
1. I need to feel safe from what is likely to happen. Safety/ Security
2. I need to feel safe from what might, yet is unlikely, to happen.
3. I need to make sure people that I am close to are fully protected.
4. When I start something new and I'm not sure which dangers to protect myself from, I am uncomfortable.
5. When I don't take every possible precaution, I am uncomfortable.
1 2 3 4 5 SECTION 20   
1. I need to perform a job or engage in regular work. Work
2. I need to keep busy with things.
3. I need to do even more than I am doing now.
4. When I am idle, I am nervous or uncomfortable.
5. When I am not working, I feel guilty.



© 2000, Cheryl Weir and Associates. All rights reserved. Contact the author if you would like to learn more about this assessment or become a distributor. Email or call 850-466-5419.